Tuesday, April 28, 2009

As Mother's Day approaches...

It is funny how America has so commercialized to death every single holiday. No sooner has the Halloween stuff been taken off the shelves that Christmas is all in your face. (Forget Thanksgiving, no time for that.) Christmas needles are still yet to be swept up from the ailes when they put Valentine's decorations, candy and cards everywhere...pressuring even the least sentimental of men to do something outrageous to prove his love this one day a year to his wife. (Like all the other days don't count.)

But, the one day that is so hard for so many childless women is Mother's Day. Oh, don't get me wrong. I am so happy that I have an opportunity to remind my mother how instrumental she was in shaping the woman that I am today, (like all the other days in the year don't count!) I am also beginning the tradition of honoring my Sister-n-Law who is mother to the only two children I will have the privilege of calling family and hopefully will have some bond with and influence on, my niece and nephew.

Being a church going Christ follower is the best thing a person could ask for. I don't know how people face life without it. However, on this one day in particular, I know many infertile women who just don't go. I noticed last week on the big screens a new montage of names for mothers...building up to the big day. Here we go, I thought. Another day to feel like a complete leper amounst the normal people. If they have the mothers stand up again this year, I think I will scream. Why don't they have, "You've made a difference in someone's life" Day? How about that? There are numerous women out there who have given birth who don't really deserve any pats on the back. They haven't loved their children or put them first. Don't I deserve a day to recognize me and everything I've contributed to this world? What about "MY" day?

Okay, that sounds a bit selfish, I know. I have endured at least 12 Mother's days when I went from "Someday that will be me," to "I wonder when that will be me?" to "Wow, that will never be me." They praise the oldest Mom...good for her. Still kicking after all these decades and a monument to the legacy she has left her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. God bless her for still coming out to church and worshiping on this fine day. And, there is the newest Mom. I believe last year there was a woman who had given birth like 3 days prior! Impressive. So quick to get your and your little bundle into God's house. A great way to start. Yea Moms.

Even that word hurts me. You know? Especially when I hear little children call out, "Mommy." Something about that makes me ache. And, this one day, it is a like a huge spotlight is on that word and everyone who fits it. Which also leaves me outside in the dark. It is a hard day. More than any mother could ever imagine. For you, it is your day of honor. And, you deserve it. Don't get me wrong. Being a Mom is a privilege and a God given responsibility and you should get honored every single day of the year, if you ask me. It just serves as a reminder at least once a year that I missed out on one of the greatest things life has to offer a woman. And, that doesn't feel too good.

And, Father's Day is just around the corner...


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  2. Wow you have a way with words Renee! Bless your wonderful heart - you are one awesome woman! Wonder when will we realise that us infertile women also have a right to be here - guess IF makes us so sinical!

  3. Renee,
    You were articulate in your thoughts and communicating your heart. As a pastor I find it difficult to walk that line of balance between giving honor to mothers, as scripture tells us to do, and not offending the amazing ladies, like yourself, who have not been able to have children. My heart hurts for you. Somehow, I believe God will help you through the difficulty and turn the things you've missed into a fuel to help other area's of life in a bigger sense. I have one lady in my church who can't have children, but she is a great teacher and, in a sense, is a 'mom' to many. Thanks for your thoughts. Bless you and you do deserve a "MY" day.

    Tim Estes

  4. (((((Renee)))))
    Hugs, my sweet sister in Christ... from someone who "gets" it.
