Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A trip to the store

Amazing how something as simple as a trip to the grocery store can be such a reminder of our situation. Why does it seem that every time I stop by the store it is family hour? No matter what time of day, there they all are. Today, it was this darling little curly haired girl of about the age of 7 in the line behind me while I was checking out. She was asking her mother one hundred and one questions about everything. Mom almost seemed a bit annoyed. Of course, this was probably the 20th time today she had answered the barage of curiosities. I get it. She was just so cute. Then, as many children do, her concept of personal space not quite developed yet, she started standing closer and closer to me as I waited for my total to be announced so I could pay. Her mother gave her one of those looks. I just smiled at her and she grinned back. She finally pushed past me to go to the water fountain to get a drink. I paid the cashier, took my groceries and walked out as she skipped back to her waiting mother. As I was pulling out of the parking lot, they were coming out of the store and although I could not hear her, curly head was busy learning about the world around her from a weary but unbelievably blessed Mommy...21st time for one hundred and one questions.

Will Mom's ever know how blessed they really are? I know it's the hardest job in the world, but I wish I could instill in every Mom the feeling I have of knowing I will not have that privilege. If they could know that pain, they would probably feel much better about their responsibilities. I simple trip to the grocery store. And, I sigh as I drive home. I wonder what little curly head is asking her Mommy now?

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